Monday, December 20, 2010

Now what?

This blog was started to keep everyone posted as I progressed through my journey with cancer. It has served its purpose, well at least it has given me a place to post and organize my thoughts. I guess by definition I am cancer free. The cancer was removed with my surgery, no cancer in the lymph nodes. I am so happy that I am finally through with chemotherapy and the surgeries are past me. It does not appear that I am having any major side effects from my Herceptin or Arimidex. I do have some random joint pain but I am not sure if I can blame it on either of those medicines. Oh and the hot flashes, well that's something I knew was going to happen.

Now it is time for me to get back to normal, well my new normal, as I like to call it. I don't think things can ever be the same. But really no matter what is going on in life things move forward and things change. I am looking forward to next year and I am hopeful that it will be full of great things........but at the same time I am waiting for the cancer to come back or be somewhere else. I am sure this has to be normal and I am also sure these fears will lessen as more time goes by. In the meantime, I will move forward, cautiously optimistic.