Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Day Today!

An overwhelming day to say the least. We started with chemo teaching which almost caused Jen and I both to have a panic attack. A handful of prescription to get filled (mostly anti nausea meds), a long list of over the counter medicines that we need to have in stock at home (just in case), a shorter list of medicines I shouldn't take, and then an onslaught of all the things I can't or shouldn't do while going through chemo. WOW!!!! I am just glad it was all written down.
My first chemo treatment is scheduled for Friday March 5th at 8:30 am. We were able to look at the area where they do the chemo treatment. Everyone just looked sick to me, but at least they looked comfortable!
Then onto genetic testing results. I found out that I am BRCA 2 positive. In this case positive is not a positive thing. It means that I have a mutation which increases my risk of certain cancers. This explains why I have cancer but it also means I have a 27% chance of getting breast cancer again in the next 5 years, 64% chance of getting breast cancer again by age 70, and a 15% chance of getting ovarian cancer (the general population has a less than 2% chance of ever getting ovarian cancer).
Needless to say, I am drinking a nice cold beverage as I am sitting here writing my post tonight. Not really sad, but just trying to process it all. This doesn't change my chemo treatment plan and since I am starting with chemo, it will give me several months to make decisions about the upcoming surgeries.


  1. girl, drink a whole bunch of cold, adult beverages! what a great picture of you, Jen and my favorite Guat! we love you guys so much

  2. Good to know where you stand, so you can make decisions instead of being surprised by it later. But so difficult... I will pray for you and Jen, and for Jaxon.
    Love you guys!

  3. The fact that chemo day is also March 5th is the most poetic and beautiful thing I've ever heard. Starting a new year of life in the pursuit of complete wellness. So "Dana." I love having you for my sister. xoxo.
