Friday, November 5, 2010

Pathology report confirmed

Saw the Dr. this morning. He confirmed the good news of the pathology report. 12 cancer free lymph nodes, no cancer in the right breast or the ovaries and clean margins around the tumor that was left in the left breast. All very good news.

He seemed satisfied with the way everything looked. I go back to see him on Monday. He wants to get the drains out as soon as possible but I have to get down to draining about 30 cc (on each side) before he will take out the drains. Yesterday I drained 275 cc on the left and 75 cc on the right. He is hoping to get the one out on the left by Monday.

I have an appointment to see P.T. next Tuesday. I am going to learn some techniques to decrease my risk of getting lymphadema. I will also get a sleeve as a preventative measure to be used when traveling.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! So happy for the good news Dana, it's wonderful to hear. (Sigh) I know a relief for you as well. Take care my friend...
