Wednesday, March 10, 2010

White Blood Cells

Well tomorrow marks the 1st day of the NADAR period. Supposedly my white blood cells will be at their lowest for the next 4 days. I am dying to go get my blood tested tomorrow just so I can know what is really going on. It seems kind of random that I will just wake up tomorrow and have a low WBC count. Maybe I will but it sure would make sense to know for sure. But lots of things really don't make sense anymore, I will just wait until Monday morning and get my blood tested (when scheduled) and see where the WBC count is then. In the meantime...... NO GERMS PLEASE. Just in case :)

Other random thoughts:
I have this stupid port and it isn't going anywhere, and although it doesn't hurt, it sure does seem to get in my way!

My hair, could be falling out any day. Thought I was excited about this but this too seems a little random. Supposedly one morning I will wake up and it will just start falling out. Just seems odd. Have went from planning on getting a buzz to scheduling to get a "nice" short haircut. That way I am ready for it to fall out but if my hair decides to take its time I can enjoy a "cool" cut that I probably would otherwise never have gotten. I will have some clippers on standby when the time comes!

Lastly, good news, I was afraid Jen would bring home some kind of HAZ MAT outfit for me to wear to work tomorrow. But so far, so good. I will just use lots of hand sanitizer!