Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sorry to leave ya hangin'

Sorry I didn't post on Thurs. My blood counts were back up. They were at 3.0, only needed to be at 1.2. YAAAAAAA bone marrow, way to do your job! Unfortunately, my glucose level was down to 47, last week it was 58. The normal range is 70-100ish. So now I get to go see my primary doctor about these episodes of hypoglycemia.

Saw the oncologist Fri. before chemo. I will start taking a shot to help my counts stay up. I will take 3 of them, one this Mon. and then one after my next 2 cycles of A-C. This shot stimulates the bone marrow to do its job. Its main side effect - bone pain. YAAAAAA!
My Dr. also said that my tumor has gotten a little smaller. Now this is measured manually, no fancy tests, but I will take her word for it. As long as it is getting smaller then the chemo is doing its job. We also got into a humorous fight about how much weight I could lift when working out. If you see me over the summer and I look scrawny, you will know why!

I took the new expensive "magic" pill yesterday, but I still got sick. It was almost like clockwork to the last time. I will say it wasn't has bad, maybe 50% as bad as last time. But the time frame was just the same. No vomiting this time. I also think I stayed calmer this time, because I knew what was going on and I knew it would be over in about 5 hours. I, of course, think staying calm helped just as much as anything.

That is just about all I know, I hope to get some sun on my bald head this weekend. Yes I will be using sunblock. I think I am reading to start Rocking the Bald! I really don't mind my bald head, Jaxon tries to show it off to all of his friends. so what the heck. OWN IT I SAY!!!!!


  1. Love the "Hat Party" pics, how fun!! I also love that shirt you're wearing!! Sorry you got sick, but sounds like it was a little bit better this time & for that I'm thankful! Hope you got to enjoy this lovely weekend weather & maybe even got a little 'sun'. : )

  2. Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as before!
