Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oops forgot, I saw my surgeon

Lets see, this week as been mostly uneventful in regards to "cancer stuff". I started off with the raw sore throat and then transitioned into my gums and the roof of my mouth being sore and swollen. Well the mouth soreness was a bit bothersome but I forced myself to use some medicine to numb my mouth so that I could eat comfortably. It is mostly gone now.

I did see Dr. Shultz last Friday (I think I have kind of been blocking this visit out of my head). He is my surgeon. He continues to recommend the double mastectomy, secondary to my positive genetic testing. He was throwing around numbers like 70-80% chance of having breast cancer again without this type of surgery. I think that is a little high based on the research that I have done but I know the chances are really high. I know that probably in 20 years, after more research there will be a better treatment option but I also know that right now this is the best they have to offer me. I really don't think I want to go through all of this again The sad thing is just because they cut off boobs and take out my ovaries, I still have a increased chance of colon cancer and melanoma secondary to the genetic testing. But one thing at a time, right?!!?!?! So now it is time to decide on reconstruction, implants or nothing (prosthetics). I see the plastic surgeon at the end of July.

A quick thanks to all who continue to send me good mojo and to those who help us out from time to time and of course my coworkers who "protect and care for me" when I feel like hell at work.


  1. Hey there, my friend, co-worker & hero...thanks for the update. I hope you & the fam have had a nice holiday weekend. Mine's been good. If I have to work, which I do, then I look forward with working with you tomorrow. Take care... : )

  2. Big questions. And--you have a couple of months to let the answer you feel best with 'float to the top' of your mind, right?

    I'm glad your mouth is better, and that you get a break for a couple of weeks!

  3. Sunscreen and fiber, sister. Sunscreen and fiber...

  4. What Stacye said. Oh, and a cousin of mine had the re-constructive surgery. She has been very pleased. She was in her 20's and a big Disney fan, so she elected to have Mickey Heads tattooed for her nipples. I think she might regret that part a little...
