Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Does anyone know what foobs are? It is breast cancer lingo for fake boobs, not implants but prosthetics. Isn't that funny! I have began my journey into researching and exploring what to do after the mastectomy. This is just one of the many new terms I have learned! Oh and they aren't really called prosthetics (which I prefer), they are called breast forms.

I am 100% sure I will have my ovaries removed, 99.938473% sure I will have a double mastectomy, 80% sure I do not want any type of reconstructive surgery (taking skin and muscle from my stomach or back to make breast), and I am about 50/50 trying to decide between having no surgery (using breast forms) or implants.

I have finally found some good forums out there discussing the subject and have stumbled upon some other good resources. Lots to think about and I am sure I will post more as my journey moves forward.

I can't believe I have chemo again in 2 days, if my counts are good. That will be 3 down (probably jinxing myself) and then already time for a week off! I have to say I have been tolerating this so much better. I was telling someone that this time the side effects are more like inconveniences. I did get a nice rash on my face and chest this week, but it seems to be getting better. Having chemo 3 weeks in a row really makes it seem like it is zooming by.

I wanted to post a picture of the medicines I will have to take in a time frame of less than 12 hours. I will take them tomorrow night. The little white ones are the dexamethosone I have to take the night before chemo and the neon orange ones are the 5 chemo pills I have to take EVERY night.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Catching up

Yes I blog, but I am not very good at it. Once again I have fallen off on my blogging updates. I was going to blog Thurs. night but I was sad and trying to avoid the inevitable clock ticking down the minutes until I had to start taking my pre meds. I was up at 4:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep after taking my 10 dexamethasone.

My Drs. appt. went well. My tumor is getting softer and is now immeasurable. When I mentioned to the Dr that I was planning on going to Poplar Bluff this weekend for my Grandma's 80th Birthday party, I was told, no hugging or kissing my relatives and stay away from the mosquitoes. I guess Jen will be getting out the Haz Mat suit for the weekend.

I did have a reaction to the IV Benadryl (sleepy, spinning head and restless legs) but I didn't have a reaction to the Taxol (chemo med). It was probably worst chemo session I have had but I was so out of it I really don't remember much. I started the Lapatinib on Friday night (oral chemo). I am so happy to report that I am really feeling decent. A few minor things but nothing at all like the last medications. I am so relieved that this has started out so well. I know things could get a little worse as I continue through my cycles but I have a renewed sense of hope that I will make it through these medicines too.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Countdown to chemo - 2 days to go

Well it is time to get my blood work done. Tomorrow morning I will get my blood drawn and meet with the lady who will "hook me up" with my oral chemo medication (Lapatinib). Since this is part of my clinical trial I actually get it free. WOOHOO, you shouldn't have, just what I always wanted. Have a mentioned that I have to take 5 of them a day!?! I have enjoyed my freedom but now it is time to get back to being out of control. Out of control of how I react to the medication, out of control of how feel, out of control of my schedule, out of control of all the medication I have to take to counteract the medicine I have to take to live, out of control of being in control. If you know me you know this is the hardest part for me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Countdown to chemo - 3 days to go

Was able to get my ECHO done today. Should get the results in a few days. The tech said my pictures looked good, assuming that is a good thing ! I just kept thinking maybe my heart is very photogenic : ) I am not sure how I am ever going to let my hair grow back. Every time is starts looking "fuzzy" I begin to feel very unkept and I have to shave it off again. I keep wondering if it would actually grow out. They say no, but sometimes I wonder. My plan will be to let it grow back when I have my surgeries. I figure I will feel like crap and probably not care about my hair. Hopefully I will get past "fuzzy" before I start caring about how I look. And really after I have just got my boobs cut off, what kind of a priority will unkept fuzzy hair be?!?!?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Countdown to chemo - Phase 2

Well my hiatus is over, 4 days till I start phase 2. It was good while it lasted : ) I am trying to gear up for whatever is ahead of me for the next 4 months. Once again hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. I have twelve rounds of infused chemo (3 weeks in a row with one week off) and daily oral chemo (5 PILLS a day). All sounds so very exciting! I got a call today that it is time for my echo (make sure the chemo isn't destroying my heart) and I have to get it done before chemo on Friday. Gives me a lot of time to get that arranged. OK destroy is a bit of an exaggeration, checking for any heart damage is more appropriate. And they do the echos literally 500 ft from where I work so it shouldn't be that hard to get arranged. I think I am just a little bitter about having to be done with my hiatus. I am going to try to write everyday this week. If I could only figure out how to blog on my fancy phone!