Does anyone know what foobs are? It is breast cancer lingo for fake boobs, not implants but prosthetics. Isn't that funny! I have began my journey into researching and exploring what to do after the mastectomy. This is just one of the many new terms I have learned! Oh and they aren't really called prosthetics (which I prefer), they are called breast forms.
I am 100% sure I will have my ovaries removed, 99.938473% sure I will have a double mastectomy, 80% sure I do not want any type of reconstructive surgery (taking skin and muscle from my stomach or back to make breast), and I am about 50/50 trying to decide between having no surgery (using breast forms) or implants.
I have finally found some good forums out there discussing the subject and have stumbled upon some other good resources. Lots to think about and I am sure I will post more as my journey moves forward.
I can't believe I have chemo again in 2 days, if my counts are good. That will be 3 down (probably jinxing myself) and then already time for a week off! I have to say I have been tolerating this so much better. I was telling someone that this time the side effects are more like inconveniences. I did get a nice rash on my face and chest this week, but it seems to be getting better. Having chemo 3 weeks in a row really makes it seem like it is zooming by.
I wanted to post a picture of the medicines I will have to take in a time frame of less than 12 hours. I will take them tomorrow night. The little white ones are the dexamethosone I have to take the night before chemo and the neon orange ones are the 5 chemo pills I have to take EVERY night.
I'm SO glad it's been better!! And that you've found some good discussion groups--and your choices make perfect sense, too. Prayers for tomorrow, and for an on-going healthy "cleaning out" process!